When it comes to hazmat services, counting on reliable and responsible professionals is fundamental for your safety and the environment. In this blog, we’ll discuss why Rockridge Industrial Services Inc. is the trusted choice for hazardous material removal and how we can help ensure your property stays clean and safe.

Why Choose Rockridge Industrial Services Inc?
Years of Experience
Dealing with hazardous materials requires specific expertise and skilled professionals. Founded in 1999, Rockridge Industrial Services Inc has 25 years of experience helping property owners in Victoria keep their homes and commercial buildings free of contaminants, including asbestos and more.
Advanced Equipment
Regardless of the hazmat service you are looking for, we have the necessary equipment and professionals to handle the job. At Rockridge Industrial Services Inc, we strive to ensure we are always up to date with the latest technological advances in remediation services.
Efficiency and Reliability
Efficiency and reliability are fundamental factors to consider when hiring hazmat services. The last thing you want is to find out if a contractor missed a particular area in your property, leaving hazardous contaminants behind and increasing risks. At Rockridge Industrial Services Inc, we conduct thorough inspections and removal services, following strict protocols and high industry standards.
The Hazardous Material Services We Offer
Asbestos Abatement
Asbestos is a very toxic mineral that was commonly used in construction projects in the past due to its resistance to heat, electricity and corrosion. If your home was built before 1992, it must be tested for asbestos, and the material must be removed in case it is found. However, both the inspection process and abatement procedures require extreme caution, which is why you need to rely on experienced and skilled professionals when dealing with asbestos removal. Rockridge Industrial Services Inc can provide you with efficient and safe asbestos abatement services, preventing the material from contaminating your property and the environment.
Contaminated Soil
Contaminated soil can bring serious health and environmental risks. When excessive quantities of materials such as oily water, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), and other hydrocarbons are found, professional service is necessary. We can help you develop the ideal remediation plan to tackle your contaminated soil in Victoria.
Lead Paint
Lead is known for being a toxic material, which is why the removal of lead paint is often necessary in older properties. At Rockridge Industrial Services Inc, our removal services involve scraping the old surface and using a filtered vacuum to ensure all lead is properly and safely removed from your space.
Your Choice for Hazmat Services in Victoria
Now that you have read why you can trust Rockridge Industrial Services Inc for hazmat removal, why not take the next step? Whether you are looking for asbestos abatement or contaminated soil remediation, we are here for you. Don’t hesitate to give us a call and let us help you keep your property safe and free of contaminants. Reach out to us!